Yes, China's current account surplus is likely to reach 10 per cent of GDP in 2007. 的确,中国2007年的经常账户盈余有可能达到GDP的10%。
The rural vocational education is an important part in Chinese education, which plays a significant role in transfering current surplus labor in rural areas of China. 农村职业教育是教育事业的重要组成部分,对当前中国农村剩余劳动力转移起着举足轻重的作用。
Analysts pointed out that Japan's current account surplus may continue to grow for the current period. 分析家指出,日本的经常帐盈余在现阶段可能会持续扩增。
Taiwan has many countries had trade dealings, the current trade surplus sustained situation. 台湾曾对很多国家有过贸易的往来,因此现在的贸易出现持续出超的状况。
That causes China to run a vast current account surplus, the counterpart of which is the equally vast US trade deficit. 这导致中国目前出现了巨额的经常账户盈余,与此相对的是,美国出现了同样巨大的贸易逆差。
Yet its current account surplus makes it a net subtractor of demand from the world economy. 但中国却让全球经济的需求净减少了一块,原因就在于它的经常账户盈余。
Monetary policy seems to be too loose for the good of China because of the large current account surplus. 由于中国存在大量的经常账户盈余,因此,出于中国利益考虑,其货币政策似乎过于宽松。
Its current account surplus and strong fiscal position provided the macro policy leeway to make any slowdown strictly temporary. 其经常项目盈余和强劲的财政状况为宏观政策提供了回旋的余地,使得任何形式的经济放缓严格来讲都只是暂时现象。
The analysis indicated some autonomous net outflow of capital, financed in part by the current account surplus. 分析指出香港录得一些资金自动流出净额,而部分资金是源自往来帐的盈馀额。
China's current account surplus equals those of Germany and Japan combined. 中国的经常账户盈余相当于德国和日本的总和。
The US current account deficit would be reduced, and the Chinese current account surplus would fall. 美国经常账户赤字将减少,中国经常账户盈余将下降。
China has run a current account surplus and a capital account surplus almost uninterruptedly for more than two decades. 20多年来,中国几乎没有间断地保持着经常账户盈余和资本账户盈余。
One explanation could be that the private capital outflow from Asia offsets the current account surplus. 一种解释便是,亚洲私人资本流出抵消了经常帐户盈余。
China will probably not be able to reduce its excessive current account surplus without a revaluation of the renminbi. 人民币不升值,中国可能就无法减少其过高的经常账户盈余。
A bigger current account surplus and a more aggressive monetary policy are necessary conditions for ending the Japanese malaise. 要治愈日本的疾患,更大的经常帐户盈余和更积极的货币政策都是必要条件。
Yet, suppose China did indeed expand demand and so shrink its current account surplus. 不过,假设中国确实扩大了需求,并因此缩减经常账户盈余。
China's current account surplus was 11.1 per cent of gross domestic product last year. 去年,中国的经常账户盈余占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例高达11.1%。
The bigger the private surplus, the bigger the fiscal deficit or current account surplus must be. 私人部门盈余越多,财政赤字或经常账户盈余也肯定越多。
The peg drives China to export savings and run a big current account surplus. 盯住汇率机制驱使中国输出储蓄,并累积巨额经常账户盈余。
What the global economy needs is for China to grow and for its current account surplus to fall. 全球经济所需要的,是中国经济保持增长,并降低其经常项目盈余。
Other things being equal, the gross savings rate and current account surplus would fall. 其它因素都不变,则总储蓄率和经常账户盈余将会下降。
The aggregate current account surplus of emerging markets is wholly concentrated in China and the oil-exporting nations. 新兴市场的总体经常账户盈余全部集中在中国和石油出口国。
The US-Iraqi conflict will inevitably throw the international oil market into a panic, but international oil price fluctuations caused by the conflict will be mitigated because the current surplus oil productivity is far larger than Iraq's crude oil production. 美伊冲突必将使国际石油市场处于恐慌状态,但目前石油剩余生产能力是伊拉克所产原油的数倍,由此而产生的国际油价波动很快就会回复;
The authors of this paper re-estimate, compare and analyze China's current surplus agricultural labor by means of the classical estimation method, the neo-classical estimation method and standard structural comparison. 本文通过古典估算法、新古典估算法、标准结构比较法对中国现阶段农业剩余劳动力进行了重新估算和比较分析。
Based on the transfer model of current surplus labour in the country, the factor of system is introduced and an expanded model is established. 本文在现有的农村剩余劳动力转移模型的基础上引入制度因素,构造了一个扩展模型。
Power factor is the main judgement, and reactive current surplus and voltage are the auxiliary judgements in the scheme. So, capacitor can be switched periodically and automatically, and shortage of reactive can be compensated maximally. 该方案以电网功率因数作主判据,电网无功电流余量和电压作辅助判据,从而实现了电容器自动循环投切并使无功缺额最大限度的补偿。
Working principle of the control circuit is presented, expressions for calculating constant current value of its coil and constant current surplus quantity are derived and calculating expressions of clamping voltage and current break protecting time of the circuit are also given. 介绍了该控制电路的工作原理,导出了其线圈恒流值计算式和恒流裕量计算式,并给出了该电路的钳位电压和停车断电保护时间计算式。
Introduced the server node load redundancy value, the current surplus computing power of each node as well as system total remaining computing resources can be effectively predicted, and over load of nodes as well as inconsistencies in data processing between tasks are effectively avoided. 引入了服务器结点负载冗余值,可以有效预测当前各个结点的剩余的计算能力以及系统总的剩余计算资源,有效避免服务器结点负载过量的问题以及任务间数据处理能力不一致的不足。